
Journey 2: Understand Your Child’s Diagnosis

Your second journey is to understand your child’s diagnosis.

Too often, parents report that they get a diagnosis for their child and nothing changes.   Unless your doctor also gives you a pathway to success, and a list of professionals you can contact, getting a diagnosis often isn’t all that helpful.

How can you make it more helpful?

Work to understand your child’s diagnosis.

If anybody evaluates your child or gives a diagnosis, make sure that you understand the diagnosis.  Sit down and ask your doctor questions. They need to answer your questions as part of the diagnosis.

Understand what doctors measure to determine each diagnosis.  Every child with a LD is unique, with different strengths and weaknesses. The sections below “lift the hood” to show you what’s underneath the top 7 learning disability diagnosis. Which of the weaknesses does your

CLICK HERE to discover what’s inside of the top 7 learning disability diagnoses.

It’s important to realize that you might get a diagnosis.  You might have the testing doctor spend time with you, explaining things, but then you leave and … then what? Parents, as the project managers for their children’s learning, now need to find help for their children, to support brain and skill development, tutoring, homework, and how they learn.

Any information at all can help a child, but children grow, and they go into new situations.  Dyslexia isn’t just one small skill.  It’s an entire language-based disorder, with 40% comorbidity with ADHD, and many different associated challenges.

If you can figure out your child’s top challenges, you then know what to help them with.




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